Senin, 22 November 2010

Welcome to 92..This is my class

92, this is my class in my school , 24 students , 10 boys and 14 girls.. 
its really cool class, we study together, play together , but the most interesting thing in this class is..
"Jokin around parents name , and make Stupid story bout teacher or parents.. that was annoying .haha, and once again,i thought the boys in my class is the most Nerdie than the other boys in other class..Including me..hahaha

check this out.. haha

1.Arviga Imanda Bahar.. 
He can make many reason about Anything..need some ?

 2.Steven Tri Cahyadi Surya 
Someday, he would be a Programmer... 

3.Muhamad Rezki
Skinny kid with teethfence [wkakwawk...] , this is 92 musician, . he plays with me.. haha..
dont forget to CLICK this to knows a lot bout him

4.Yudhi Hasprian Widhyananda
This person is Nice and Friendly, he doesnt angry if you bullying him, he just quite,.. haha,
the most Religious boy in this class.. 

5.Bogie Akbar
Fat boy.. he always jokin around in the class, make serious condition flies to Funny condition..wkwk
 6.Raden Panji Purnomo Dwi Sandy Bagus S.
he is Soft Spoken boy.. 
7.Farhan Ukrin Putra
Im not too close with farhan , i knows a lot bout him, a little bit Sensitive person.. haha
8.Elvandri Pinasthiko Gumilang
Kaskuser, Kaskus mania.. wanna check his Cool trhead ? Click this gan. haha 
9.Martin Chandra
Magician, Mr.Mathematic in 92, the Class Leader.. 
10.Jake Jr.
Owh , who is this cool guy ?? owh this is me.. :D

okay that is what i can show you today..maybe not so important.. haha, im just Sharing, 
COMING UP NEXT...--+ 92.GIRLS.+__-Next Update  

This is the GurLs ...., there are the cool one, the soft spoken , the trendy one and many more
1.Niluh Suri Laksmi Prameswari
you can call her Amy... she is smart.., smarter than the boys, [i think...]
she can play music, guitar. she also can singing too.., 
2.Kalin Velecia
kalin , what a active person [lebay...]
3.Setia indah..4..Sinka Juliani.. 5.Salsabilla Dynda..6.Dina Amelia
one word..Friendship is never die 
 7.Cindy Adelina .. 8.Vania Ariella
9.Putri Adella [Pudell..]..10.Mutiaraqsha Fitri
11.Anindita Alifiani....12.Aulia G. Larasati
No Comment guys...
13.Nimas Ratnasari
Unique Hair..
14.Sakina Shahab
Moshi moshi...
Thatt was my classmates....:D  



6 komentar:

  1. ternyata ane ada juga :malu , thx ya gan skalian untuk promosi utk trit" ane kwkwk :thumbup

  2. Great... good start. Use English... don't bother with grammar. Express idea, anything. It's free, no cost at all. Come..come

  3. eh sakina shahab mukanya ga keluar
